Inspiring Real Estate Quotes

While our city goes back on lockdown, it's worth studying and taking stock of where we are and how best to move forward. As with most topics, the best way to learn is by studying the past, and those who have come before. Today we're going to look at some of our favourite quotes relating to business and real estate to gain perspective on now and days to come.

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For Buyers

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Simple and a little funny- the United States' most famous author gives us the most fundamental look on investing in real estate. Land is a unique resource in this regard, useful to all and limited in supply.

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Building on the previous quote, famous actor and writer Will Rogers alludes to the fact that a limited supply up against an ever increasing demand ensures that real estate's value will always trend upwards.

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An intelligent strategy from American businessman John Jacob Astor. If you have the funds for it, patience pays off in a major way in real estate investment!

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An important angle of real estate investment from a famed philosopher: it's not just buying and selling. If you have the funds, holding onto property and renting it is a fantastic way to earn passive income.

Well, that one speaks for itself.

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Everyone has had an experience where they've dealt with a less-than stellar service provider, whether in real estate, construction, or even just fixing your car. This quote cleverly plays on the concept of lost time and mounting frustration that can come from a bad hiring choice. Do your research, check out what other people have said, and keep these items in mind when you're debating if it's worth paying a little more for a lot less hassle. Red Adair specialized in systems designed for cleaning up hazardous waste and certainly knows the value of professional service!

A good real estate agent will be experienced and learned in their field and will work hard to get you the best price and to cover all of your legal bases when purchasing a new home. 

For Real Estate Agents

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In real estate, and any business really, your client comes first. As this brokerage CEO knows, with dedication to your clients comes success for them, word of mouth praise for you, more clients, and success for yourself in turn. Not to mention, it just feels great to get invested and help someone to the best of your ability!

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Proper advice from the 5th wealthiest individual in Japan, and well worth listening to! Especially with the advent of COVID-19, it's important to be ready to adapt to function safely and successfully in a changing world.

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Some more practical advice for selling homes from famed investor and Brokerage owner Barbara Corcaran. The importance of first impressions can not be understated!

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An important angle to consider when helping your clients buy or sell. Sometimes it's more than just practical items to pitch and every client will come at a situation differently depending on what they're looking for.

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An experienced real estate agent will have their hand in all aspects of their community to do their job to their fullest. Keep your eyes and ears open, be compassionate, and serve your community. It will serve you back!

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Getting inspiration from quotes is a bit of a cliche in the age of Pinterest and Instagram, but iconic quotes become iconic for a reason! Stay humble and keep your mind open to new ways to look at the world. Invest smartly with the aid of an experienced real estate agent and you can't go wrong.

If you're inspired, send us a message and we'll be happy to help you out! Envision Realty is an experienced and highly specialized real estate brokerage in Leslieville, Riverdale, Danforth and beyond. Feel free to ask us anything and we'll be happy to give you a free consultation and work together to make your vision a realty.